Unlock Your Zest for Life!
Discover your true essence and UNLEASH YOUR BEST SELF.
You are unique, naturally creative, resourceful, and whole. That is what I believe about you.
Is the best version of YOU sleeping or hiding inside you?
How would you be or what would you do if you could free yourself from anxiety, fear, or expectations placed by others?
If you want to find out, then, I invite you to have a conversation with me.
Helen Keller’s timeless words resonate within me, echoing the profound truth–“Life is nothing but a daring adventure or nothing at all.” Mindset changes everything.
Albert Einstein, a brilliant mind, imparts valuable wisdom, “The problem we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.” A coach is a powerful ally who can help you unlock possibilities.
Are you ready to play full out in persuit of a happy, fulfilling life?
If you are ready to say “YES,” let’s talk!
Sageway Coaching Programs

Individual Coaching Package
Individual Discovery Package
for Personal Development
◆ This package starts with a personal value discovery session (60~90 minutes), and may includes other assessments such as the VIA Character Strengths, Leadership Circle, Saboteurs, etc.
◆ Typically, individual coaching sessions are 45 minutes each, held twice a month, for 6 months.
◆ For maximum benefit, you can customized the program to suit your needs and preferences.
◆ Zoom or phone call

PQ Coaching Package
You are not stuck!
You have the power to bring out the best in you.
◆ Mobil app-based Positive Intelligence Program + Individual Coaching
◆ This program helps you recognize negative patterns in your life and develop new positive, healthy patterns of behavior by building new neuropathways.
◆ It helps significantly improve your mindfulness, perspective, and relationships.
◆ Zoom or phone call
Sageway Coaching
“What is coaching?” you may ask.
Oprah says, “Coaches help people find their essential selves and plot a course to their unique best lives.”
When you unleash the power of your authentic, essential self, your life will change. You are undeniably powerful. Every day, I choose to be a servant leader and serve my clients powerfully as a professional coach.
No matter what your agenda or issue, Sageway coaching takes place in a supportive, non-judgmental, safe environment. As a trained coach, I am your “thinking partner” who supports you and champions you at every step of your personal journey. I use powerful questions and inquiries, rather than advice or instructions, to challenge you to go beneath the surface to explore new ways of thinking, being, and doing. You will be empowered with fresh perspectives and new possibilities. I share my entire life toolbox – knowledge, experiences, and skills– to help you find your own core values, deepest desire, strength, and wisdom to live their versions of fulfilling life.
We together dare to envision the most fulfilling life for you and find concrete steps to turn that vision into reality. I coach for insight, evoke inspiration, and spark transformation within you.
My Life Purpose Statement As a Coach
I am a lighthouse that provides a sense of direction and clarity to help navigators of life chart their own best course to their destinations.
Benefits of Coaching:
- Step out of your thought patterns that trap you in negativity
- Find new perspectives and possibilities
- Gain clarity around a decision you are attempting to make
- Develop your vision of success
- Take bold action with strategic steps and accountability
- Be loving to yourself and others
My Story
I pursued my passion and vision to get here. I am Sayoko, living my life unapologetically as empowerment coach. The road to get here had ups and downs and sometimes meandered into a dark place.
Born in Japan, a deep appreciation for tradition and customs was instilled in me, but growing up, I felt what made me “me” did not quite conform to the rigid norm of Japan or stereotype of a proper Japanese lady. Eventually, a spirit of curiosity and ambition led me to the United States of America. Life in the United States offered me an entire spectrum of experiences–happiness, disappointment, success, and failure. Over a couple of decades, I was married and divorced, and then found myself remarried and become a stepmom to two boys all the while running an international consulting business. I personally learned to navigate between different cultures without losing my authentic self, and professionally, I strive to build a bridge between cultures to reach a shared goal.
Scariest moment in my life – My marriage was gradually falling apart, and I had been in pain for a long while. One morning, I stared at myself in the mirror but did not recognize the person looking back at me. I screamed at myself, “Who the hell are you?” I was in a dark hole with no self-esteem or self-respect.
Rebuilding period – As dejected and scared as I was, something was awakened in me that morning. I finally mustered up the courage to stand up for myself. A deep self-discovery process began. Reconnecting with the true essence of me, I was able to rebuild my life and myself. I learned to appreciate my uniqueness, my Japanese heritage and life in America.
“What am I?” moment – The moment I became an American citizen, I was no longer legally recognized as a Japanese citizen. Although nothing about me essentially changed, I became a foreigner in my own native country.
Thriving professionally – I love international business. I have thrived at building and running my own business. Over 30 years, I busily traveled internationally and worked with clients from different cultures, customs, and laws/regulations toward a common goal. Diversity and inclusion was always a part of my business and the most rewarding part.
COVID-19 grieving – My father, who lived 5,000+ miles away in Japan, died of COVID. Due to the travel ban, I could not be there. As though that was not painful enough, neither my sisters nor brother living in Japan could be by his side because of the measures against COVID infection. I experienced no pain like this before. This experience has taught me the importance of empathy, acceptance, self-care, and a community of loving, supportive friends–all of these serve me to be a better coach.
My calling – In my involvement in various non-profit organizations, including the board of the American Red Cross – Greater Idaho and YMCA – Greater Eastside (Seattle, WA), as well as a 12-year membership with the Rotary Club of Bellevue Breakfast, I enjoyed creating possibilities for people and empowering people. While I was searching for more ways to serve people and organizations, I was introduced to coaching and learned how transformational it is. There, I saw stars line up. Everything came together: my formal education and training, my personal hardships (which later turned out to be gifts), intense curiosity about people, love for human connection, interest in individual personal growth, and over 30 years of international business experiences. With this revelation, I decided to step away from the comfort of my job to share my gifts and experience through coaching.
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CTI)
ACC, Associate Certified Coach (ICF)
“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” (Steve Jobs)
What are you waiting for…?
PQ and Effective Leadership
I have worked with Sayoko Kuwahara both as my coach as well as in her capacity as a Board Member and Chair of the Red Cross of Idaho’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee.
Sayoko is helping me visualize and a establish a new foundation for reaching my full potential and successfully lead a high performing team. Her coaching has been especially valuable seeing time worn issues in new ways and addressing challenging circumstances that arise.
Our sessions help me identify in-depth self inflicted barriers while creating strength based solutions that build on past successes. Her approach coupled with strong accountability measures are providing clarity and helping me balance the demands of running a growing, 24/7 Disaster organization.
I view Sayoko as an integral part of my continued education and growth strategies. I highly recommend Sageway coaching to anyone with the desire to identify how to become an even more effective leader.
— Nicole Sirak Irwin, CEO American Red Cross of Idaho, Montana and East Oregon
Unleashed! I see new possibilities
I had a friend in DC that swore by coaching for her new position in her business career, so to me “coaching” was having someone that would help guide you to grow in your professional career. Sayoko and I had lunch one day and we were sharing our stories on each others career move. By the end of lunch I took her up on her offer for coaching me, but the only thing I couldn’t understand was “how does Sayoko know my business to be able to help me”?
Before every meeting, I thought to myself, “Oh, I don’t have time for this today,” or ” I don’t have anything to talk about today, I’m too busy.” It was amazing how things went once we started talking, Sayoko always put a different perspective on what I was talking or thinking about, it was never “you need to do this”, it was in a way to look at the situation in a different way. It’s hard to describe but every time I hung up from our meeting I said “WOW, I’m so glad I spoke to Sayoko today.” I learned a new approach or understood something in a different way.
I had started a new position, one to where I had to prove myself to the company, so when I’m into something, I’m in 100% and it’s hard for me to get my mind out of it. I traveled a lot and had to reschedule many of our meetings, Sayoko was so accommodating to work around my schedule. Her demeanor in each session from the moment we connected was warm, she has the perfect personality for “coaching” and you can tell she’s passionate about what she is doing and helping others.
I was new to Boise, I came from owning my own business and living on the east coast for 30 years, so I felt like my whole life changed quickly, it was our choice, but once the honeymoon stage was over of being in a new place and new opportunities it was a little scary on what I was going to do.
I met Sayoko at a perfect time, I started working for someone, not knowing how I would handle working for someone since I was my own boss for 25+ years, living in a whole different environment, even though we’re all in the United States it’s different in a lot of ways from the East coast to the West coast. Sayoko’s experiences in life will benefit so many women (and men) who are trying to make it in the world. I’m so thankful I met her and decided to have her coach me. I got out of it more than I ever expected. — Patty Burnham, Director of Federal Government Sales, Henriksen/Butler
Our mind is so powerful
For a long time, I have heard about life coaches and how beneficial it’s to have a coach. I always thought I didn’t need coaching or had the time to spend with someone. I was wrong. Working with Sayoko has helped me in so many ways. I was able to discover more of who I am. Through coaching with Sayoko, I began to see that the only obstacles I have are those I have placed for myself. Our mind is so powerful. We can do great things with the right approach and mindset. I immediately started looking forward to our sessions; it was like getting together with a close friend. Sayoko always made me feel like she was listening to what I had to say and helped me discover the root of the issue that was bothering me.
Now I believe everyone should have a life coach, even those who don’t think they need one. You might be surprised, and you would wish you had one long ago. If you are one of the lucky ones to have Sayoko as your coach, you will not be disappointed. I believe she is the best.
~~ Dulce Gomez-Ortiz, Assistant VP – Consumer Lending, Pioneer Federal Credit Union
Power of Positive Mindset
I had a great experience working with Sageway as I was going through many big transitions in my professional and personal life. Sayoko helped me by doing a visioning exercise and by helping me focus on my core values and on what is most important to me in life. Having recently completed the Positive Intelligence Course, I was impressed by her ability to help me recognize my saboteurs and let my Sage powers come through.
Sayoko has a great way of engaging me by asking provocative questions, opening up my mind to my behaviors and reactions to people and events and helping me “reprogram” my feelings and actions with positivity, healthy habits and rational thought patterns. I thoroughly enjoy working with Sayoko and always walk away from our sessions feeling invigorated and inspired.
If you are going through a big transition in your personal or professional life, or just need to inject some positivity and motivation into your life, I highly recommend her as a coach.
Janet Mansinne
Independent Business Development Consultant
I'm in the driver's seat of my life
I was struggling with confidence in myself, anxious thoughts about myself and others, feeling sad without purpose. Through coaching with Sayoko, my mindset has changed so much. Not letting anxious thoughts and saboteur voices control the narrative of my life. I am in charge of my thoughts, feelings, and reactions and learning how to deescalate the negative thoughts that would constantly judge me and put me down. It really opened my eyes to how much our own brains create stress and that we ourselves can change those negative thoughts and “pathways” to more positive, understanding thoughts. I feel so much more aware of my mind and thoughts and can intercept negative self-talk much better than before I started coaching. I feel calmer, less anxious, and stable in my mind–more clarity and feelings of purpose and peace.
Sayoko is calm, listens without judgement, and helps you find your own answers and solutions. I felt safe talking to her. I also loved the Positive Intelligence – Mental Fitness Program (PQ app) and how it broke down your saboteurs in a way that was easy to understand and apply changes to your own thoughts and perspectives.
“Who can benefit from Sageway coaching with Sayoko?” –Anyone! I think so many people aren’t aware of their minds creating their own negative stories that we continue to tell ourselves-like a CD on repeat. By having Sayoko as my coach, she helped me look at things from a more positive, compassionate, and understanding perspective, rather than the negative, self-sabotaging “CD” I had constantly going on in my head.
~~ Andrea Gonzalez, HR & Program Compliance Manager, Idaho Women’s Business Center (IWBC)
Choosing to love myself to be a better servant leader
I have found that taking the time to attend my coaching sessions with Sayoko was a wonderful act of love to myself. She created a safe environment where I could discuss my work life, my home life, and most importantly, my spiritual life. I realized that I too needed self-care. Sayoko helped me heal from personal emotional pain I had been carrying for a long time. As a new business owner, wife, and mother I realized I do need help navigating life. Doing the homework to uncover my special gifts and talents was hard because I was not used to rewarding myself for all the good, I do and have done. Sayoko encouraged me to accept myself just as I am. She helped reaffirm my mission in life to serve. I will surely return later to dig much deeper into myself.
~~ Beatriz Guzman, Owner, Trinity Insurance Services
Finding my strengths and values
I worked with Sayoko over the course of six months, as I was reassessing career options and life goals. I was struggling with clearing my doubts about myself, my ability, and my potential as well as with breaking my flawless façade that had prevented me from achieving a fulfilled life. Sayoko helped me free my inner self by using various techniques. She patiently listened to me and asked me many questions that led me to find ways to approach or handle whatever issues are in front of me. Through her coaching, I have learned a way to find a path to my goals, or a way to find goals that enrich my life. She also introduced the Positive Intelligence program to me, through which I learned how I can train my brain to be positive just like training my muscles at the gym to be healthy. The program gave me a tool to recognize a pattern of my own negative thoughts and behaviors and to rewire my brain for a positive outcome. In our coaching sessions, Sayoko and I discussed and tried the approaches that I learned in the program. Sayoko is very effective, efficient, responsive and caring. I wholeheartedly recommend Sayoko for anyone in transition or in search of better self, career or life. — Satomi H. (Seattle, WA USA)
I have been fortunate to have Sayoko as my life/business coach over 2 years. As an ethnic minority, female business leader in the medical device contract manufacturing business, new immigrant to the USA, mother, and wife, I have had many challenges in the recent years. Sayoko’s coaching has had such a positive impact on me personally and my professional career.
Sayoko helped me navigate many complex issues by allowing me to find new insights, solutions, and possibilities. Her PQ Mental Fitness coaching helped me overcome career obstacles, maximize effectiveness, and develop mental habits to achieve a balance between business success and personal happiness. She is a powerful, caring coach who is committed to empowering her clients.
— Doris Tseng, EMBA Business Development/Marketing Strategy/Global Manufacturing Partnership Executive (Boise, ID USA)
Coaching with Sayoko was one of the best decisions
She is an excellent listener, and with no doubt, an amazing coach. While I was uncertain, and maybe, frustrated, during rough times, Sayoko was like a beacon who always stood straight to shine the bright light. She was always there for me. She embraced me with her bright smile and strong mindset, and kindly and wisely guided me to think through. Her coaching helped clear up my confusion. In each session, I was able to understand myself deeper and better. Coaching helped me figure out how to overcome my self-doubt and move forward successfully. She is absolutely professional, and you can tell, she cares about her clients. She could be both your best coach and friend. I say with confidence that Sayoko is the coach you can trust and work with when you are seeking to learn more about yourself, your career, and your potential. Coaching with Sayoko was absolutely one of the best decisions I have made. B.C. (Boise, ID,USA)
PQ Mental Fitness coaching helped me discover my best self
The biggest benefit from the Sageway Positive Intelligence Coaching Program is that I learned my thinking patterns (i.e., “Saboteurs”) sabotage my life and I had the power to change it. PQ Reps are a unique exercise, the effectiveness of which I doubted in the beginning. But now that I believe their impact on me, I continue to do PQ Reps often after completing the 6-week program.
I must say, though, the most important part of this coaching program was the coach. Sayoko is a very professional coach who facilitated self-exploration and discovery using the Positive Intelligence framework and who upheld coaching principals to create a safe space. I felt comfortable and safe taking about my own problems, fears, and concerns with her. I highly recommend the PQ program and Sageway coaching to anyone who wants to experience deep self-reflection and discover one’s potential to live an enriched life. M.C. (Taiwan)
Sayoko Created a safe space where I felt heard and validated
I have taken Sageway Positive Intelligence Coaching Program. The PQ exercises provided me with tools for immediate coping in stressful or confusing situations. By highlighting awareness of how I react to certain things and combining that with a tool to shift my perspective, PQ has provided me with a strategy to calmly re-center myself during daily life. Sayoko was an immense support both before and during a major life transition. She was very understanding and open to hearing about my experiences. I looked forward to my meetings with Sayoko because I knew that she created a space where I could feel heard and validated. This made it possible for me to talk about more difficult challenges and look inwards into unproductive patterns I carried. I always walked away feeling better because Sayoko showed understanding, and then provided me with tools to better deal with those challenges in the future. Overall, this program was a great opportunity to learn about myself in a safe and productive way. I will take the tools and information I learned about myself to continuing growing. S.F. (Baltimore, MD, USA)
Positive Intelligence Program Details
The PQ Mental Fitness Program is based in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science. The New York Times bestselling Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Chamine details how and why this program works with scientific findings of recent years. If you are curious, take a Saboteur Assessment to find out what is getting in your way of success and happiness.
Click >>> [ Saboteur_Assessment ]
Through this program, the Sageway coach helps you identify your saboteurs that interfere with true, authentic expressions of your essence and desires in performance, relationships, etc. We together look into negative impact of saboteurs on your thought patterns, behaviors, and habits while strengthening your Sage powers.
Mental Fitness Program includes:
- PQ App (downloadable to iPhone and Android) for daily guided PQ exercises and weekly video lectures for 6 weeks.
- Chapter 1~8 of Positive Intelligence book in PDF and audio
- Six weekly group PQ coaching sessions* (approx. 30 minutes)
- Individual personal development coaching sessions**
The Mental Fitness Program is available for an individual, couples, family (age 16 or older), or a work group.
* If a cohort cannot be formed at the time you begin the program, weekly check-in calls (15~30 minutes) with the coach may be arranged.
** The number and length of individual coaching sessions (45~60 minutes) are arranged individually.